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1. Everest has always been a trophy, but now that almost 4,000 people have reached its
summit, some more than once, the feat means less than it did a half-century ago. Today,
roughly 90 percent of the climbers on Everest are guided clients, many without basic
climbing skills. Having paid $30,000 to $120,000 to be on the mountain, too many callowly
expect to reach the summit. A significant number do but under appalling conditions. The
two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge are not only dangerously
crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and
pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps. And then there are the deaths.
Besides the four climbers who perished on the Southeast Ridge, six others lost their lives in
2012, including three Sherpas.
Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. There will always be
people who want to climb the world’s highest point because there’s more to being on
Everest than getting hemmed in by crowds or confronted by heaps of trash. The mountain
is so high and so indifferent it calls upon every climber, at one time or another, to rise to his or her better self.
Source: Wilkinson, F. (2023). Maxed Out on Everest. National Geographic.
What does the text talk about?
A. The issues Everest faces and how it still attracts people to visit.
B. The issue Everest faces is that people no longer want to visit.
C. The dangers of Everest and how we can avoid them.
D. The dangers of Everest and how people disregard the dangers.
E. The challenges Everest faces and how it affects the climbers.
Pembahasan : Teks membahas mengenai berbagai permasalahan yang ada di gunung
Everest; sangat ramai, polusi, bahkan banyaknya kematian. Meskipun
dengan realita begitu, gunung Everest tetap memiliki daya tarik luar biasa
sehingga orang-orang tetap datang untuk mendakinya. Oleh karena itu,
jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi A yang artinya “Permasalahan yang
dihadapi gunung Everest dan bagaimana Everest masih menarik orangorang untuk berkunjung.” karena opsi ini mencerminkan isi teks.
Opsi B yang artinya “Permasalahan yang dihadapi Everest sehingga
orang-orang tidak mau berkunjung lagi.” tidak tepat karena orang masih
tetap ingin mendaki Everest.
Opsi C yang artinya “Bahaya dari Everest dan bagaimana kita bisa
menghindarinya.” tidak tepat karena meskipun teks menyebutkan bahaya
Everest namun tidak membahas lebih lanjut apalagi membahas cara
Opsi D yang artinya “Bahaya dari Everest dan bagaimana orang-orang
tidak mempedulikan bahayanya.” tidak tepat karena meskipun teks
membahas beberapa permasalahan Everest karena ketidakpedulian orang
orang seperti polusi dan ketidaksiapan, namun teks tidak membahasnya
lebih lanjut sehingga tepat untuk menjadi pembahasan utama teks.
Opsi E yang artinya “Tantangan yang dihadapi Everest dan bagaimana
dia mempengaruhi para pendaki.” tidak tepat karena meskipun
membahas tantangan, namun kita tidak membicarakan pengaruhnya
terhadap pendaki, khususnya karena para pendaki tetap ingin mendaki
Baca Juga : SNBT 2025 Apakah Ada TKA? Simak Ketentuan Ujian Terbaru
2. Everest has always been a trophy, but now that almost 4,000 people have reached its
summit, some more than once, the feat means less than it did a half-century ago. Today,
roughly 90 percent of the climbers on Everest are guided clients, many without basic
climbing skills. Having paid $30,000 to $120,000 to be on the mountain, too many callowly
expect to reach the summit. A significant number do but under appalling conditions. The
two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge are not only dangerously
crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and
pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps. And then there are the deaths.
Besides the four climbers who perished on the Southeast Ridge, six others lost their lives in
2012, including three Sherpas.
Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. There will always be
people who want to climb the world’s highest point because there’s more to being on
Everest than getting hemmed in by crowds or confronted by heaps of trash. The mountain is
so high and so indifferent it calls upon every climber, at one time or another, to rise to his or
her better self.
Source: Wilkinson, F. (2023). Maxed Out on Everest. National Geographic.
In the context of the passage, what does the clause “too many callowly expect to reach the
summit” most likely mean?
A. Many climbers have considered everything beforehand and think they can reach the
mountain’s peak.
B. There are too many people attracted to reach the mountain’s peak.
C. Many professional climbers come together to reach the mountain’s peak.
D. Many untrained climbers are known to be able to reach the mountain’s peak.
E. Many inexperienced climbers naively expect they can reach the mountain’s peak.
Pembahasan : Arti klausa yang dimaksud pada soal adalah “banyak yang secara tidak
berpengalaman berekspektasi sampai ke puncak.” sehingga opsi yang
merefleksikan klausa tersebut adalah opsi E artinya “Banyak pendaki
tidak berpengalaman secara naif berekspektasi mereka dapat mencapai
puncak gunung.”
Opsi A yang artinya “Banyak pendaki sudah mempertimbangkan semua
hal sebelumnya dan berpikir mereka bisa mencapai puncak gunung.”
tidak tepat karena pendaki yang dimaksud pada klausa soal adalah
pendaki yang tidak berpengalaman atau kurang persiapan, bukannya yang
sudah mempertimbangkan segalanya/siap.
Opsi B yang artinya “Banyak orang tertarik untuk mencapai puncak
gunung.” tidak tepat karena meskipun teks membahas minat orang
mendaki Everest, namun klausa pada soal lebih fokus pada kesiapan
Opsi C yang artinya “Banyak pendaki profesional datang bersama-sama
untuk mencapai puncak gunung.” tidak tepat karena pendaki yang
dibahas pada klausa teks justru kebalikan dari profesional.
Opsi D yang artinya “Banyak pendaki yang tidak terlatih diketahui untuk
dapat mencapai puncak gunung.” tidak tepat karena klausa pada soal
fokus pada realita banyaknya pendaki tidak terlatih secara naif berpikir
bisa sampai puncak, kita tidak fokus membahas mereka yang terlatih
diketahui dapat mencapai puncak.
3. Everest has always been a trophy, but now that almost 4,000 people have reached its
summit, some more than once, the feat means less than it did a half-century ago. Today,
roughly 90 percent of the climbers on Everest are guided clients, many without basic
climbing skills. Having paid $30,000 to $120,000 to be on the mountain, too many callowly
expect to reach the summit. A significant number do but under appalling conditions. The
two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge are not only dangerously
crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and
pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps. And then there are the deaths.
Besides the four climbers who perished on the Southeast Ridge, six others lost their lives in
2012, including three Sherpas.
Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. There will always be
people who want to climb the world’s highest point because there’s more to being on
Everest than getting hemmed in by crowds or confronted by heaps of trash. The mountain is
so high and so indifferent it calls upon every climber, at one time or another, to rise to his or
her better self.
Source: Wilkinson, F. (2023). Maxed Out on Everest. National Geographic.
“… and pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps.”
The word befouling can be best replaced by the word …
A. decorating
B. contaminating
C. sanitizing
D. purifying
E. occupying
Pembahasan : Befouling memiliki arti mencemari atau mengotori. Oleh karena itu,
sinonim atau persamaan kata yang tepat ada pada opsi B yaitu
contaminating yang memiliki arti sama.
Opsi A yang artinya mendekorasi/menghiasi tidak tepat.
Opsi C yang artinya menyanitasi tidak tepat.
Opsi D yang artinya menyucikan tidak tepat.
Opsi E yang artinya menghuni tidak tepat.
4. Everest has always been a trophy, but now that almost 4,000 people have reached its
summit, some more than once, the feat means less than it did a half-century ago. Today,
roughly 90 percent of the climbers on Everest are guided clients, many without basic
climbing skills. Having paid $30,000 to $120,000 to be on the mountain, too many callowly
expect to reach the summit. A significant number do but under appalling conditions. The
two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge are not only dangerously
crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and
pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps. And then there are the deaths.
Besides the four climbers who perished on the Southeast Ridge, six others lost their lives in
2012, including three Sherpas.
Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. There will always be
people who want to climb the world’s highest point because there’s more to being on
Everest than getting hemmed in by crowds or confronted by heaps of trash. The mountain is
so high and so indifferent it calls upon every climber, at one time or another, to rise to his or
her better self.
Source: Wilkinson, F. (2023). Maxed Out on Everest. National Geographic.
Based on the information in the text, what can be predicted to happen in the future?
A. If nothing is improved, the situation will worsen; hence, people will no longer hike
B. If nothing is improved, the situation will get worse; regardless, people will still hike
Everest anyway for some other reason.
C. If nothing is improved, people will try to find another mountain to hike.
D. More people will realize how high Everest is so they won’t hike the mountain.
E. More people will prepare themselves before hiking a mountain.
Pembahasan : Prediksi yang dapat dibuat berdasarkan informasi pada teks adalah opsi B
yaitu “Jika tidak ada yang diperbaiki, situasinya akan semakin buruk;
meskipun begitu, orang-orang tetap akan mendaki Everest karena alasan
lain.” karena berdasarkan informasi dari teks, kita tahu banyaknya
masalah di Everest. Namun, orang-orang tetap datang karena berbagai
macam daya tarik serta tantangan yang ada untuk mendakinya.
Opsi A yang artinya “Jika tidak ada yang diperbaiki, situasinya akan
semain buruk; oleh karena itu, orang-orang tidak akan lagi mendaki
Everest.” tidak tepat karena pada teks disebutkan orang-orang tetap
mendaki meskipun berbagai masalah dan tantangan yang ada.
Opsi C yang artinya “Jika tidak ada yang diperbaiki, orang-orang akan
mencoba menemukan gunung lain untuk didaki.” tidak tepat karena
menurut teks, orang tetap akan mendaki Everest, tidak ada indikasi yang
menunjukkan orang tidak akan ke Everest lagi atau bahkan mencari
gunung lain.
Opsi D yang artinya “Lebih banyak orang akan menyadari betapa
tingginya Everest sehingga mereka tidak akan mendaki gunung tersebut.”
tidak tepat karena orang tetap akan mendaki terlepas dari tinggi gunung
Opsi E yang artinya “Lebih banyak orang akan mempersiapkan diri
sebelum mendaki gunung.” tidak tepat karena meskipun disebutkan salah
satu masalah yang ada adalah pendaki yang tidak berpengalaman atau
cukup persiapan, namun teks tidak menunjukkan indikasi apapun yang
mengantarkan kita ke prediksi bagaimana pendaki akan bersiap di masa
5. Everest has always been a trophy, but now that almost 4,000 people have reached its
summit, some more than once, the feat means less than it did a half-century ago. Today,
roughly 90 percent of the climbers on Everest are guided clients, many without basic
climbing skills. Having paid $30,000 to $120,000 to be on the mountain, too many callowly
expect to reach the summit. A significant number do but under appalling conditions. The
two standard routes, the Northeast Ridge and the Southeast Ridge are not only dangerously
crowded but also disgustingly polluted, with garbage leaking out of the glaciers and
pyramids of human excrement befouling the high camps. And then there are the deaths.
Besides the four climbers who perished on the Southeast Ridge, six others lost their lives in
2012, including three Sherpas.
Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. There will always be
people who want to climb the world’s highest point because there’s more to being on
Everest than getting hemmed in by crowds or confronted by heaps of trash. The mountain is
so high and so indifferent it calls upon every climber, at one time or another, to rise to his or
her better self.
Source: Wilkinson, F. (2023). Maxed Out on Everest. National Geographic.
Which word best fits the following sentence based on its use in the passage:
“The pollution in two standard routes of Everest is … since we can see garbage, human
excrement, and dead bodies there.”
A. horrifying
B. glorifying
C. inviting
D. shocking
E. interesting
Pembahasan : Kalimat pada soal memiliki arti “Polusi di dua jalur standar Everest
sangat … karena kita bisa melihat sampah, kotoran manusia, dan mayat
di sana.” sehingga opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang
adalah opsi A yang artinya mengerikan karena itu adalah kata paling
cocok untuk menggambarkan emosi dari reaksi kita melihat realita di
Opsi B yaitu mengagungkan tidak tepat karena realita yang ada adalah
realita yang buruk, sedangkan opsi ini mengandung konotasi positif
sehingga tidak cocok dengan konteks kalimat.
Opsi C yaitu mengundang tidak tepat dengan alasan sama dengan opsi B.
Opsi D yaitu mencengangkan tidak tepat karena meskipun memiliki
konotasi negatif, namun kurang cocok dengan konteks yang menunjukan
realita menjijikan, mengganggu, dan lain-lain. Shocking lebih cocok
digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang mengagetkan seperti
Opsi E yaitu menarik tidak tepat karena konotasinya juga positif dan
netral, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.
Sumber Informasi : Aplikasi Cerebrum
Program Premium SNBT Cerebrum 2025
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