Kumpulan 5+ Soal Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara dan Cara Menjawabnya

Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara – Saat menghadapi seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi, banyak calon mahasiswa mencari tahu apa perbedaan SNBT dibandingkan jalur seleksi lainnya. Apa perbedaan SNBT dengan SNBP dan jalur mandiri menjadi pertanyaan umum bagi peserta yang ingin mempersiapkan diri lebih baik.

Memahami apa perbedaan SNBT sangat penting, terutama bagi peserta di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara yang tengah mengikuti tryout. Dalam artikel ini, selain membahas apa perbedaan SNBT, kami juga akan menyajikan kumpulan 5+ soal tryout SNBT serta cara menjawabnya dengan strategi yang efektif.

Soal Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara

1. When you wish upon a falling star, you are offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece
of space rock called a meteor. These brilliant streaks of light have fascinated humans for
centuries, especially during meteor showers. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes
through debris left by comets, which are icy bodies from deep space. As they approach the
sun, the heat causes their ices to change to gas, a process known as sublimation, creating a
comet’s tail and leaving behind dust and small particles.
When Earth crosses these debris streams, rocky bits enter our atmosphere and burn up,
creating a spectacular display in the night sky. Interestingly, meteor showers also happen on
Mars, but they differ based on the comets involved. Most meteor showers originate from
comets; however, some, like the Geminids, come from asteroids. The Geminids are believed
to originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which scientists think might be part of a larger
body that broke apart in a collision.
The best time to see meteors is during the peak of an annual meteor shower, when Earth
crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream. Most meteor showers are named after the
constellation from which they appear to fall. For example, the Perseid meteor shower occurs
every August and is named after the constellation Perseus. Different meteor showers have
varying peak rates; some, like the Lyrids in April, see about 15 to 20 meteors an hour, while
others, like the Geminids in December, can produce 60 to 70 meteors an hour.
Source: National Geographic
Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the text?
A. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through debris left by comets.
B. Meteor showers happen on both Earth and Mars.
C. The Geminid meteor shower originates from a comet.
D. Comets leave behind dust and small particles when they approach the sun.
E. Meteor showers can vary in peak rates from 15 to 70 meteors per hour.

Jawaban benar: Opsi C

Opsi C benar karena teks menjelaskan bahwa hujan meteor Geminid
berasal dari asteroid 3200 Phaethon, bukan komet. Oleh karena itu,
pernyataan bahwa Geminid berasal dari komet adalah salah.
Opsi A salah karena sesuai dengan teks, hujan meteor memang terjadi
ketika Bumi melewati debris yang ditinggalkan oleh komet.
Opsi B salah karena teks menyebutkan bahwa hujan meteor terjadi baik
di Bumi maupun Mars, meskipun hujan meteor di Mars berbeda karena
komet yang terlibat.
Opsi D salah karena teks menyatakan bahwa ketika komet mendekati
matahari, sublimasi terjadi dan menghasilkan debu serta partikel kecil
yang meninggalkan jejak di ruang angkasa.
Opsi E salah karena teks menyebutkan bahwa berbagai hujan meteor
memiliki tingkat puncak yang bervariasi, dengan beberapa menghasilkan
antara 15 hingga 70 meteorit per jam.

2. When you wish upon a falling star, you are offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece
of space rock called a meteor. These brilliant streaks of light have fascinated humans for
centuries, especially during meteor showers. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes
through debris left by comets, which are icy bodies from deep space. As they approach the
sun, the heat causes their ices to change to gas, a process known as sublimation, creating a
comet’s tail and leaving behind dust and small particles.
When Earth crosses these debris streams, rocky bits enter our atmosphere and burn up,
creating a spectacular display in the night sky. Interestingly, meteor showers also happen on
Mars, but they differ based on the comets involved. Most meteor showers originate from
comets; however, some, like the Geminids, come from asteroids. The Geminids are believed
to originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which scientists think might be part of a larger
body that broke apart in a collision.
The best time to see meteors is during the peak of an annual meteor shower, when Earth
crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream. Most meteor showers are named after the
constellation from which they appear to fall. For example, the Perseid meteor shower occurs
every August and is named after the constellation Perseus. Different meteor showers have
varying peak rates; some, like the Lyrids in April, see about 15 to 20 meteors an hour, while
others, like the Geminids in December, can produce 60 to 70 meteors an hour.
Source: National Geographic
Which of the following best summarizes the text?
A. Meteor showers are caused by asteroid collisions and are visible only on Earth.
B. Meteor showers happen when Earth passes through comet debris and can also be seen on
C. Comets and asteroids both create meteor showers, but only Earth can witness them.
D. The Perseid meteor shower is the only well-known meteor shower.
E. Meteor showers are a phenomenon of comet activity and are named after their origins.

Jawaban benar: Opsi B

Opsi B benar karena teks menjelaskan bahwa hujan meteor terjadi ketika
Bumi melewati debris dari komet, dan hujan meteor ini juga terjadi di
Mars meskipun berbeda karena komet yang terlibat.
Opsi A salah karena meskipun hujan meteor disebabkan oleh debris
komet, teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa asteroid tabrakan menyebabkan
hujan meteor, dan juga hujan meteor dapat terlihat di Mars, bukan hanya
di Bumi.
Opsi C salah karena meskipun beberapa hujan meteor berasal dari
asteroid (seperti Geminid), banyak hujan meteor lainnya berasal dari
komet, bukan hanya asteroids.
Opsi D salah karena teks menyebutkan beberapa hujan meteor terkenal,
seperti Geminids dan Perseids, bukan hanya Perseid.
Opsi E salah karena meskipun hujan meteor sering dikaitkan dengan
aktivitas komet, hujan meteor juga dapat berasal dari asteroid seperti
Geminid, dan tidak semua hujan meteor dinamai berdasarkan asalusulnya (contohnya Geminid tidak dinamai dari konstelasi).

Baca Juga : Berikut 5 Tryout SNBT Kota Banjarbaru yang Wajib Kamu Coba!

3. When you wish upon a falling star, you are offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece
of space rock called a meteor. These brilliant streaks of light have fascinated humans for
centuries, especially during meteor showers. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes
through debris left by comets, which are icy bodies from deep space. As they approach the
sun, the heat causes their ices to change to gas, a process known as sublimation, creating a
comet’s tail and leaving behind dust and small particles.
When Earth crosses these debris streams, rocky bits enter our atmosphere and burn up,
creating a spectacular display in the night sky. Interestingly, meteor showers also happen on
Mars, but they differ based on the comets involved. Most meteor showers originate from
comets; however, some, like the Geminids, come from asteroids. The Geminids are believed
to originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which scientists think might be part of a larger
body that broke apart in a collision.
The best time to see meteors is during the peak of an annual meteor shower, when Earth
crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream. Most meteor showers are named after the
constellation from which they appear to fall. For example, the Perseid meteor shower occurs
every August and is named after the constellation Perseus. Different meteor showers have
varying peak rates; some, like the Lyrids in April, see about 15 to 20 meteors an hour, while
others, like the Geminids in December, can produce 60 to 70 meteors an hour.
Source: National Geographic
What is the meaning of “sublimation” as used in the text?
A. The change of solid to gas without becoming liquid.
B. The transformation of gas into ice.
C. The melting of icy bodies into liquid.
D. The heating process of comet dust.
E. The burning up of meteors in the atmosphere.

4. When you wish upon a falling star, you are offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece
of space rock called a meteor. These brilliant streaks of light have fascinated humans for
centuries, especially during meteor showers. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes
through debris left by comets, which are icy bodies from deep space. As they approach the
sun, the heat causes their ices to change to gas, a process known as sublimation, creating a
comet’s tail and leaving behind dust and small particles.
When Earth crosses these debris streams, rocky bits enter our atmosphere and burn up,
creating a spectacular display in the night sky. Interestingly, meteor showers also happen on
Mars, but they differ based on the comets involved. Most meteor showers originate from
comets; however, some, like the Geminids, come from asteroids. The Geminids are believed
to originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which scientists think might be part of a larger
body that broke apart in a collision.
The best time to see meteors is during the peak of an annual meteor shower, when Earth
crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream. Most meteor showers are named after the
constellation from which they appear to fall. For example, the Perseid meteor shower occurs
every August and is named after the constellation Perseus. Different meteor showers have
varying peak rates; some, like the Lyrids in April, see about 15 to 20 meteors an hour, while
others, like the Geminids in December, can produce 60 to 70 meteors an hour.
Source: National Geographic
Based on the information in the text, what can be inferred about the Geminid meteor
A. It is the most significant meteor shower of the year.
B. It is caused by debris left behind by a comet.
C. It may have originated from a larger body that broke apart.
D. It occurs only on Mars and not on Earth.
E. It produces more meteors than any other meteor shower.

Jawaban benar: Opsi C

Opsi C benar karena teks menyebutkan bahwa para ilmuwan percaya
bahwa Geminid hujan meteor berasal dari asteroid 3200 Phaethon, yang
mungkin merupakan bagian dari tubuh yang lebih besar yang pecah
akibat tabrakan.
Opsi A salah karena teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa Geminid adalah
hujan meteor paling signifikan, hanya menyebutkan bahwa beberapa
hujan meteor memiliki tingkat puncak yang bervariasi.
Opsi B salah karena Geminid berasal dari asteroid, bukan dari debris
komet seperti kebanyakan hujan meteor lainnya.
Opsi D salah karena hujan meteor terjadi baik di Bumi maupun Mars, dan
Geminid terjadi di Bumi, bukan hanya di Mars.
Opsi E salah karena tidak ada informasi yang menyatakan bahwa
Geminid menghasilkan lebih banyak meteor daripada hujan meteor
lainnya; hanya disebutkan bahwa Geminids dapat menghasilkan 60
hingga 70 meteor per jam.

5. When you wish upon a falling star, you are offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece
of space rock called a meteor. These brilliant streaks of light have fascinated humans for
centuries, especially during meteor showers. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes
through debris left by comets, which are icy bodies from deep space. As they approach the
sun, the heat causes their ices to change to gas, a process known as sublimation, creating a
comet’s tail and leaving behind dust and small particles.
When Earth crosses these debris streams, rocky bits enter our atmosphere and burn up,
creating a spectacular display in the night sky. Interestingly, meteor showers also happen on
Mars, but they differ based on the comets involved. Most meteor showers originate from
comets; however, some, like the Geminids, come from asteroids. The Geminids are believed
to originate from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which scientists think might be part of a larger
body that broke apart in a collision.
The best time to see meteors is during the peak of an annual meteor shower, when Earth
crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream. Most meteor showers are named after the
constellation from which they appear to fall. For example, the Perseid meteor shower occurs
every August and is named after the constellation Perseus. Different meteor showers have
varying peak rates; some, like the Lyrids in April, see about 15 to 20 meteors an hour, while
others, like the Geminids in December, can produce 60 to 70 meteors an hour.
Source: National Geographic
What is the text implying about the best times to view meteor showers?
A. Meteor showers are visible every day of the year.
B. Meteor showers are best seen when Earth crosses a dense part of a comet’s debris stream.
C. Meteor showers are only visible in the Northern Hemisphere.
D. The best meteor showers happen during the day.
E. People should avoid looking at meteor showers in the winter.

Jawaban benar: Opsi B

Opsi B benar karena teks menyatakan bahwa waktu terbaik untuk melihat
meteor adalah saat Bumi melewati bagian padat dari aliran debris komet,
yaitu puncak dari hujan meteor tahunan.
Opsi A salah karena hujan meteor hanya terjadi pada waktu tertentu,
bukan setiap hari sepanjang tahun.
Opsi C salah karena teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa hujan meteor hanya
terlihat di belahan Bumi utara, melainkan hujan meteor dapat terlihat di
berbagai tempat.
Opsi D salah karena hujan meteor terjadi pada malam hari, bukan siang
hari, saat meteor dapat terlihat jelas.
Opsi E salah karena tidak ada informasi yang menyarankan untuk
menghindari melihat hujan meteor di musim dingin. Teks menyebutkan
hujan meteor terjadi sepanjang tahun dan memberi contoh hujan meteor
di bulan Desember.

Sumber Informasi : Aplikasi Cerebrum

Program Premium SNBT Cerebrum 2025

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