Ujian UTBK semakin dekat, dan salah satu bagian yang perlu kamu persiapkan adalah materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2025.
Tes ini menguji kemampuanmu dalam memahami, menganalisis, serta menginterpretasikan teks berbahasa Inggris. Jika ingin lolos ke PTN favorit, ayo pahami materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2025 berikut ini!
Agar kamu semakin siap, berikut 15+ materi penting yang sering muncul dalam soal SNBT dan strategi terbaik untuk menguasainya.
Apa Itu Literasi Bahasa Inggris?
Literasi Bahasa Inggris dalam SNBT 2025 adalah bagian dari tes yang menguji pemahaman membaca (reading comprehension) dan analisis teks dalam bahasa Inggris.
Tujuan utama dari bagian ini adalah mengukur kemampuan calon mahasiswa dalam memahami makna, menarik kesimpulan, dan mengenali struktur bahasa dari berbagai jenis teks.
Soal-soal yang diberikan dalam tes ini biasanya berbentuk pilihan ganda, dengan teks yang bisa berupa artikel, esai, opini, laporan, hingga teks fiksi seperti cerita pendek.
Calon mahasiswa akan diuji untuk memahami ide utama teks, menemukan informasi spesifik, membedakan antara fakta dan opini, serta menafsirkan makna kata berdasarkan konteks.
Tes ini dirancang untuk menguji keterampilan literasi dalam konteks akademik, sehingga peserta perlu membiasakan diri dengan berbagai jenis teks akademik dan non-akademik dalam bahasa Inggris.
Dengan persiapan yang baik, kamu bisa meningkatkan peluang mendapatkan skor tinggi di bagian ini!
Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2025
Persiapan untuk menghadapi materi literasi bahasa inggris akan semakin lengkap jika kamu mulai belajar dengan soal-soal ujiannya.
Agar kamu tidak jauh-jauh mencari contoh soalnya, berikut adalah 15+ soal UTBK seputar materi literasi bahasa inggris:
1. Main Idea & Supporting Details
What is the main idea of the following passage?
“Pollution has become a major issue in modern society. It affects the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even the food we eat. Industrial activities and human negligence contribute significantly to environmental degradation.”
a) Pollution is not a serious problem.
b) The environment is naturally polluted.
c) Pollution negatively affects various aspects of life.
d) People are not responsible for pollution.
Jawaban: c) Pollution negatively affects various aspects of life.
2. Inference & Conclusion
What can be inferred from the passage?
“Despite the heavy rain, the football match continued. However, the players had difficulty controlling the ball due to the slippery field.”
a) The match was canceled.
b) The players played better in the rain.
c) The rain had no effect on the game.
d) The wet field made it harder to control the ball.
Jawaban: d) The wet field made it harder to control the ball.
3. Fact vs Opinion
Which of the following is an opinion?
a) The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris.
b) Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
c) Reading books is the best way to spend free time.
d) The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth.
Jawaban: c) Reading books is the best way to spend free time.
4. Author’s Purpose & Tone
What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
“This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to grow tomatoes at home.”
a) To persuade
b) To entertain
c) To inform
d) To criticize
Jawaban: c) To inform
5. Contextual Meaning
What does the word “compelling” mean in the sentence below?
“The speaker gave a compelling argument that convinced the audience.”
a) Boring
b) Weak
c) Convincing
d) Confusing
Jawaban: c) Convincing
6. Logical Relationship
How does paragraph 2 support paragraph 1?
a) By contradicting the main idea.
b) By providing an example.
c) By introducing a new topic.
d) By summarizing the passage.
Jawaban: b) By providing an example.
7. Synonyms & Antonyms
What is the synonym of the word “rapid”?
a) Slow
b) Fast
c) Small
d) Weak
Jawaban; b) Fast
8. Word Formation & Parts of Speech
Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence:
“She was very ______ about the final exam and studied for weeks.”
a) Anxiously
b) Anxious
c) Anxiety
d) Anxieties
Jawaban: b) Anxious
9. Tenses & Sentence Structure
Which sentence uses the past perfect tense?
a) I eat breakfast every morning.
b) She has visited Japan twice.
c) They had finished the project before the deadline.
d) He will go to the museum tomorrow.
Jawaban: c) They had finished the project before the deadline.
10. Passive vs Active Voice
Which sentence is in passive voice?
a) The scientist conducted an important experiment.
b) An important experiment was conducted by the scientist.
c) The students are writing an essay.
d) The company will launch a new product soon.
Jawaban: b) An important experiment was conducted by the scientist.
11. Conditional Sentences & Modals
Choose the correct form:
“If she ______ harder, she would have passed the test.”
a) Studied
b) Had studied
c) Studies
d) Study
Jawaban: b) Had studied
12. Paraphrasing & Summarizing
Which sentence best summarizes the following passage?
“The article discusses the effects of excessive smartphone use, including sleep disturbances, decreased social interactions, and reduced productivity.”
a) Smartphones are the best invention in history.
b) Using smartphones too much can have negative effects.
c) People should stop using smartphones entirely.
d) Smartphones improve productivity.
Jawaban: b) Using smartphones too much can have negative effects.
13. Comparing & Contrasting Texts
Which statement best compares Text A and Text B?
a) Text A discusses renewable energy, while Text B talks about fossil fuels.
b) Both texts explain the benefits of fast food.
c) Text A is about history, while Text B is about cooking.
d) Text A and B are exactly the same.
Jawaban: a) Text A discusses renewable energy, while Text B talks about fossil fuels.
14. Identifying Bias in Text
What indicates that an article is biased?
a) The author provides only one side of the argument.
b) The article includes multiple perspectives.
c) The passage is based on scientific research.
d) The text contains factual information.
Jawaban: a) The author provides only one side of the argument.
15. Recognizing Text Types
What type of text is the following?
“A biography of Albert Einstein describing his life and achievements.”
a) Narrative
b) Descriptive
c) Expository
d) Persuasive
Jawaban: c) Expository
16. Cohesion & Coherence
Which transition word is best to connect the two sentences?
_”She was very tired. _____, she continued working until midnight.”
a) However
b) Because
c) Therefore
d) And
Jawaban: a) However
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