Simak Latihan Soal UTBK SNBT 2025 untuk Persiapan yang Lebih Matang

Latihan soal utbk snbt 2025 – Persiapan untuk ujian UTBK SNBT 2025 sangat penting bagi kamu yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi negeri. Salah satu langkah terbaik dalam mempersiapkan ujian ini adalah dengan melakukan latihan soal secara rutin.

Latihan soal UTBK SNBT 2025 bukan hanya membantu kamu familiar dengan tipe soal yang akan dihadapi, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuanmu dalam mengelola waktu saat ujian. Dengan berbagai pilihan materi yang tersedia, kamu bisa menyusun strategi belajar yang efektif dan lebih terarah.

Latihan soal utbk snbt 2025

1. Every year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a “Color of the Year,” reflecting current
design trends and cultural moods. This year, Pantone has selected “mocha mousse” as the
Color of the Year. This warm and inviting color symbolizes comfort and luxury, marking a
shift in design that honors earthy tones and represents both comfort and aspiration.
The origins of Pantone’s color standards can be traced back to Robert Ridgway, an
ornithologist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ridgway studied and documented the
colors of birds, creating color dictionaries with over a thousand hand-painted samples. His
work was crucial for standardizing color descriptions, which remains significant for artists,
designers, and naturalists today. Accurate color descriptions are essential for identifying
different bird species, as colors can appear differently depending on lighting and
Pantone’s color matching system has evolved from Ridgway’s methods, enabling
consistency in colors across various industries, including printing and digital design. The
selection of “mocha mousse” as Pantone’s Color of the Year emphasizes the strong
connection between color, design trends, and cultural values. Protecting the significance of
color continues to be important in both nature and design.
Source: National Geographic
What does the word “standardizing” most likely mean in the context of the text?
A. Ensuring consistency and uniformity in color identification
B. Describing colors with creativity and freedom
C. Documenting colors for artistic purposes only
D. Allowing variation in color representation across industries
E. Comparing different colors without specific criteria

Pembahasan : Opsi A benar karena dalam konteks teks, “standardizing” merujuk pada
usaha untuk memastikan konsistensi dan keseragaman dalam
pengidentifikasian warna, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Robert Ridgway
dengan membuat kamus warna yang membantu orang mengidentifikasi
spesies burung dengan akurat.
Opsi B salah karena teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa tujuan standar warna
adalah untuk kebebasan dan kreativitas dalam mendeskripsikan warna.
Opsi C salah karena meskipun Ridgway mendokumentasikan warna,
tujuan utamanya adalah untuk standar pengidentifikasian, bukan hanya
untuk keperluan artistik.
Opsi D salah karena “standardizing” justru bertujuan untuk mengurangi
variasi, bukan membiarkannya.
Opsi E salah karena standar warna lebih bertujuan untuk memberikan
pedoman yang jelas, bukan hanya perbandingan tanpa kriteria.

2. Every year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a “Color of the Year,” reflecting current
design trends and cultural moods. This year, Pantone has selected “mocha mousse” as the
Color of the Year. This warm and inviting color symbolizes comfort and luxury, marking a
shift in design that honors earthy tones and represents both comfort and aspiration.
The origins of Pantone’s color standards can be traced back to Robert Ridgway, an
ornithologist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ridgway studied and documented the
colors of birds, creating color dictionaries with over a thousand hand-painted samples. His
work was crucial for standardizing color descriptions, which remains significant for artists,
designers, and naturalists today. Accurate color descriptions are essential for identifying
different bird species, as colors can appear differently depending on lighting and
Pantone’s color matching system has evolved from Ridgway’s methods, enabling
consistency in colors across various industries, including printing and digital design. The
selection of “mocha mousse” as Pantone’s Color of the Year emphasizes the strong
connection between color, design trends, and cultural values. Protecting the significance of
color continues to be important in both nature and design.
Source: National Geographic
How does the author organize the text?
A. By focusing solely on the history of color standardization
B. By contrasting “mocha mousse” with previous Colors of the Year
C. By linking the history of color standardization to its modern applications
D. By describing the impact of bird species on color trends
E. By emphasizing the scientific importance of color in art

Pembahasan : Jawaban benar: Opsi C
Opsi C benar karena teks menghubungkan sejarah standarisasi warna
yang dimulai oleh Robert Ridgway dengan aplikasi modernnya, seperti
sistem pencocokan warna Pantone yang digunakan dalam industri desain
saat ini.
Opsi A salah karena teks tidak hanya membahas sejarah standarisasi
warna, tetapi juga bagaimana sistem tersebut diterapkan di masa kini.
Opsi B salah karena tidak ada perbandingan dengan warna tahun-tahun
sebelumnya; teks hanya fokus pada warna tahun ini, “mocha mousse.”
Opsi D salah karena teks lebih menekankan pada standarisasi warna dan
aplikasinya dalam desain, bukan dampak spesies burung terhadap tren
Opsi E salah karena teks lebih membahas pentingnya warna dalam desain
dan identifikasi, bukan hanya aspek ilmiah dalam seni.

Baca Juga : SNBT 2025 Berapa Gelombang? Simak Pembagian dan Tahapannya

3. Every year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a “Color of the Year,” reflecting current
design trends and cultural moods. This year, Pantone has selected “mocha mousse” as the
Color of the Year. This warm and inviting color symbolizes comfort and luxury, marking a
shift in design that honors earthy tones and represents both comfort and aspiration.
The origins of Pantone’s color standards can be traced back to Robert Ridgway, an
ornithologist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ridgway studied and documented the
colors of birds, creating color dictionaries with over a thousand hand-painted samples. His
work was crucial for standardizing color descriptions, which remains significant for artists,
designers, and naturalists today. Accurate color descriptions are essential for identifying
different bird species, as colors can appear differently depending on lighting and
Pantone’s color matching system has evolved from Ridgway’s methods, enabling
consistency in colors across various industries, including printing and digital design. The
selection of “mocha mousse” as Pantone’s Color of the Year emphasizes the strong
connection between color, design trends, and cultural values. Protecting the significance of
color continues to be important in both nature and design.
Source: National Geographic
Which statement best illustrates the cohesion between Ridgway’s work and Pantone’s
modern practices?
A. Ridgway’s bird color studies are unrelated to current design trends.
B. Both Ridgway’s methods and Pantone’s system focus on accurate color descriptions.
C. Pantone’s color matching system ignores Ridgway’s contributions to focus on modern
D. Ridgway’s work influenced naturalists but not contemporary designers.
E. Pantone’s focus on warmer tones diverges from Ridgway’s studies.

Pembahasan : Opsi B benar karena teks menjelaskan bahwa baik metode Ridgway
maupun sistem Pantone fokus pada deskripsi warna yang akurat, yang
sangat penting untuk identifikasi spesies burung oleh Ridgway dan untuk
konsistensi warna dalam desain oleh Pantone.
Opsi A salah karena teks justru menunjukkan hubungan antara kerja
Ridgway dan praktik desain modern melalui sistem Pantone.
Opsi C salah karena teks menyatakan bahwa sistem Pantone berkembang
dari kontribusi Ridgway, bukan mengabaikannya, meskipun teknologi
modern digunakan.
Opsi D salah karena Ridgway memengaruhi tidak hanya naturalis, tetapi
juga praktisi desain kontemporer, seperti yang disebutkan dalam teks.
Opsi E salah karena pilihan “mocha mousse” lebih berkaitan dengan tren
desain kontemporer dan bukan bertentangan dengan kerja Ridgway, yang
lebih fokus pada akurasi warna.

4. Every year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a “Color of the Year,” reflecting current
design trends and cultural moods. This year, Pantone has selected “mocha mousse” as the
Color of the Year. This warm and inviting color symbolizes comfort and luxury, marking a
shift in design that honors earthy tones and represents both comfort and aspiration.
The origins of Pantone’s color standards can be traced back to Robert Ridgway, an
ornithologist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ridgway studied and documented the
colors of birds, creating color dictionaries with over a thousand hand-painted samples. His
work was crucial for standardizing color descriptions, which remains significant for artists,
designers, and naturalists today. Accurate color descriptions are essential for identifying
different bird species, as colors can appear differently depending on lighting and
Pantone’s color matching system has evolved from Ridgway’s methods, enabling
consistency in colors across various industries, including printing and digital design. The
selection of “mocha mousse” as Pantone’s Color of the Year emphasizes the strong
connection between color, design trends, and cultural values. Protecting the significance of
color continues to be important in both nature and design.
Source: National Geographic
Which of the following statements about the text is TRUE?
A. “Mocha mousse” is a cool, neutral tone.
B. Robert Ridgway’s work was significant only for ornithologists.
C.The Pantone system is entirely unrelated to Ridgway’s methods.
D. Pantone’s color of the year reflects cultural trends.
E. Lighting has no impact on how colors are perceived.

Pembahasan : Opsi D benar karena teks menyatakan bahwa Pantone’s Color of the Year
mencerminkan tren desain dan suasana budaya saat ini, yang
menghubungkan pemilihan warna dengan konteks sosial dan emosional.
Opsi A salah karena “mocha mousse” dijelaskan sebagai warna hangat
dan mengundang, bukan warna netral atau dingin.
Opsi B salah karena teks menjelaskan bahwa kerja Ridgway juga penting
untuk seniman, desainer, dan naturalis, bukan hanya ahli ornitologi.
Opsi C salah karena teks jelas menyebutkan bahwa sistem Pantone
berkembang dari metode Ridgway, menunjukkan adanya hubungan
antara keduanya.
Opsi E salah karena teks menjelaskan bahwa warna bisa terlihat berbeda
tergantung pada pencahayaan dan lingkungan, yang menunjukkan bahwa
pencahayaan memengaruhi persepsi warna.

5. Every year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a “Color of the Year,” reflecting current
design trends and cultural moods. This year, Pantone has selected “mocha mousse” as the
Color of the Year. This warm and inviting color symbolizes comfort and luxury, marking a
shift in design that honors earthy tones and represents both comfort and aspiration.
The origins of Pantone’s color standards can be traced back to Robert Ridgway, an
ornithologist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ridgway studied and documented the
colors of birds, creating color dictionaries with over a thousand hand-painted samples. His
work was crucial for standardizing color descriptions, which remains significant for artists,
designers, and naturalists today. Accurate color descriptions are essential for identifying
different bird species, as colors can appear differently depending on lighting and
Pantone’s color matching system has evolved from Ridgway’s methods, enabling
consistency in colors across various industries, including printing and digital design. The
selection of “mocha mousse” as Pantone’s Color of the Year emphasizes the strong
connection between color, design trends, and cultural values. Protecting the significance of
color continues to be important in both nature and design.
Source: National Geographic
What tone does the author adopt in discussing “mocha mousse” and the history of color
A. Critical and dismissive
B. Informative and appreciative
C. Nostalgic and sentimental
D. Casual and humorous
E. Urgent and alarmed

Pembahasan : Opsi B benar karena penulis menyampaikan informasi tentang warna
“mocha mousse” dan sejarah standarisasi warna dengan cara yang
informatif, jelas, dan positif. Penulis mengapresiasi pentingnya warna
dalam desain dan pengaruh Ridgway dalam perkembangan sistem
Opsi A salah karena penulis tidak bersikap kritis atau merendahkan topik
yang dibahas, melainkan lebih kepada penghargaan terhadap warna dan
Opsi C salah karena tidak ada nada melankolis atau sentimental dalam
teks, hanya fokus pada informasi dan relevansi.
Opsi D salah karena teks tidak menggunakan gaya santai atau humoris,
melainkan serius dan informatif.
Opsi E salah karena penulis tidak menunjukkan rasa urgensi atau
kekhawatiran, melainkan hanya menyampaikan fakta dengan cara yang

Sumber Informasi : Aplikasi Cerebrum

Program Premium SNBT Cerebrum 2025

Semakin sering latihan soal akan semakin terbiasa, semakin cepat, semakin teliti dan semakin tepat mengerjakan soal SNBT 2025 ” 🌟

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