
Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Barito Selatan – Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Barito Selatan menjadi langkah awal yang penting bagi kamu yang ingin sukses dalam seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi. Dengan mengikuti Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Barito Selatan, kamu bisa mengukur kemampuan, memahami pola soal, dan meningkatkan strategi dalam menjawab dengan lebih efektif.
Persiapan yang matang melalui Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Barito Selatan akan membantumu menghadapi ujian sesungguhnya dengan lebih percaya diri. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti Tryout SNBT Kabupaten Barito Selatan agar peluangmu lolos ke kampus impian semakin besar!

1. People have implants to fix an element of the body that’s broken, such as a pacemaker or a
hip implant. Perhaps in the future, implants will be used simply to improve a person. As
well as brain implants, we might have more visible parts of technology as an element of our
appearance, such as an artificial eye with a camera that can read different frequencies of
color and visuals.
We’ve all heard of designer babies. Scientists already have the technology to change an
embryo’s genes, though it’s controversial and no one’s sure what happens next. However, in
the future, Mailund suggests that it may be seen as unethical not to change certain genes.
With that may come a choice about a baby’s features, so perhaps humans will look like what
their parents want them to look like.
“It’s still going to be selection, just artificial selection now. What we do with breeds of dogs,
we’ll do with humans,” said Mailun. This is all rather hypothetical, but can demographic
trends give us any sense of what we may look like in the future?
Source: John, L. What will humans look like in a million years? BBC Earth.
The word visible in the passage can be best replaced by …
A. imperceptible
B. concealed
C. exist
D. vanished
E. apparent
Pembahasan : Pertanyaan meminta kita menemukan persamaan kata dari visible yang
artinya adalah terlihat. Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi E
karena memiliki arti tampak, jelas, atau nyata.
Opsi A artinya tidak dapat dilihat atau dirasakan.
Opsi B artinya tertutup atau tersembunyi.
Opsi C artinya ada.
Opsi D artinya menghilang.
2. People have implants to fix an element of the body that’s broken, such as a pacemaker or a
hip implant. Perhaps in the future, implants will be used simply to improve a person. As
well as brain implants, we might have more visible parts of technology as an element of our
appearance, such as an artificial eye with a camera that can read different frequencies of
color and visuals.
We’ve all heard of designer babies. Scientists already have the technology to change an
embryo’s genes, though it’s controversial and no one’s sure what happens next. However, in
the future, Mailund suggests that it may be seen as unethical not to change certain genes.
With that may come a choice about a baby’s features, so perhaps humans will look like what
their parents want them to look like.
“It’s still going to be selection, just artificial selection now. What we do with breeds of dogs,
we’ll do with humans,” said Mailun. This is all rather hypothetical, but can demographic
trends give us any sense of what we may look like in the future?
Source: John, L. What will humans look like in a million years? BBC Earth.
What is the tone of the text?
A. Judgmental
B. Informative
C. Worried
D. Concerned
E. Excited
Pembahasan : Pertanyaan di atas menanyakan tone dari bacaan yang mana jika kita lihat
menampilkan gagasan/informasi mengenai kemungkinan perkembangan
teknologi berkaitan dengan penampilan manusia di masa depan. Tidak
ada suatu emosi subjektif penulis dalam teks sehingga jawaban yang tepat
adalah opsi B karena teks hanya menyajikan informasi.
Opsi A artinya menghakimi yang mana tidak tepat karena teks tidak
mengungkapkan adanya penghakiman, kritik, atau apapun yang bersifat
negatif kepada topik yang dibahas.
Opsi C artinya khawatir yang mana tidak tepat karena teks tidak
memperlihatkan adanya kekhawatiran terkait fenomena yang dibahas
meskipun topiknya memang kontroversial.
Opsi D artinya khawatir yang mana tidak tepat dengan alasan seperti
pada penjelasan opsi C.
Opsi E artinya bersemangat yang mana tidak tepat karena teks tidak
menunjukan adanya entusiasme terhadap pengembangan teknologi atau
apapun yang dibahas.
3. One essential nutrient for cats is the amino acid taurine, which although present in algae, is
almost entirely absent in plants. While humans and dogs have enzymes that can make the
amino acid taurine, cats don’t, so they must get it from fresh meat. Cats also require
arachidonic acid, which is mainly found in saturated animal fats. Their bodies are also not
very good at converting carotenoids from plants into vitamin A, so they need to get this
micronutrient from animal sources.
However, it is possible that these nutrients could be supplied through supplements, meaning
cats could theoretically be fed a plant-based or vegan diet. The first large-scale study
comparing the health of vegan cats with meat-fed felines was published in 2021. The study
found that vegan cats had lower incidences of gastrointestinal disorders, and a higher
proportion of vegan cats were reported to be in very good health by their owners.
In addition to tinned cat food, our outdoor roaming feline friends like to hunt their own
food. Recently, researchers compiled a database of all the animals that cats have been
recorded eating and where. The study identified more than 2000 species, including 981
birds, 463 reptiles, 431 mammals, 119 insects, and 57 amphibians. Domestic cats have even
been known to hunt endangered animals, such as juvenile green sea turtles.
Source: Fox-Skelly, J. (2024). Cat Facts. BBC Earth.
In the context of the passage, what does the term “domestic cats” mean?
A. Cats that usually roam around outdoors.
B. Cats that have great skills for hunting.
C. Cats with weaker skills for hunting.
D. Cats are kept as pets and spend most of their time at home.
E. Cats that are loose in the wild and depend on themselves for food.
Pembahasan : Domestic cats dapat diartikan sebagai kucing yang dipelihara di rumah
dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di rumah. Oleh karena itu,
jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi D.
Opsi A yang artinya “Kucing yang biasanya berjalan-jalan di luar
ruangan.” tidak tepat karena mereka hampir selalu di dalam ruangan.
Opsi B yang artinya “Kucing yang memiliki kemampuan luar biasa
dalam berburu.” tidak tepat karena meskipun mereka juga berburu,
namun istilah domesticat cats itu sendiri bukan merujuk pada
kemampuan berburu mereka.
Opsi C yang artinya “Kucing dengan kemampuan berburu yang lebih
lemah.” tidak tepat karena istilah yang dimaksud tidak membahas
mengenai kemampuan berburu dan dalam bacaan tidak dibahas bahwa
mereka memiliki kemampuan yang lebih lemah dibanding kucing lain.
Opsi E yang artinya “Kucing yang hidup liar di alam dan bergantung
pada dirinya sendiri untuk mencari makan.” tidak tepat karena istilah
merujuk pada kucing peliharaan.
4. One essential nutrient for cats is the amino acid taurine, which although present in algae, is
almost entirely absent in plants. While humans and dogs have enzymes that can make the
amino acid taurine, cats don’t, so they must get it from fresh meat. Cats also require
arachidonic acid, which is mainly found in saturated animal fats. Their bodies are also not
very good at converting carotenoids from plants into vitamin A, so they need to get this
micronutrient from animal sources.
However, it is possible that these nutrients could be supplied through supplements, meaning
cats could theoretically be fed a plant-based or vegan diet. The first large-scale study
comparing the health of vegan cats with meat-fed felines was published in 2021. The study
found that vegan cats had lower incidences of gastrointestinal disorders, and a higher
proportion of vegan cats were reported to be in very good health by their owners.
In addition to tinned cat food, our outdoor roaming feline friends like to hunt their own
food. Recently, researchers compiled a database of all the animals that cats have been
recorded eating and where. The study identified more than 2000 species, including 981
birds, 463 reptiles, 431 mammals, 119 insects, and 57 amphibians. Domestic cats have even
been known to hunt endangered animals, such as juvenile green sea turtles.
Source: Fox-Skelly, J. (2024). Cat Facts. BBC Earth.
The word compiled has the same meaning as the word …
A. collected
B. dispersed
C. scattered
D. obtained
E. required
Pembahasan : Kata compiled yang artinya adalah mengumpulkan pada konteks ini
memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata collected. Sehingga, jawaban yang
tepat adalah opsi A.
Opsi B artinya menyebarkan.
Opsi C artinya menyebarkan.
Opsi D artinya mendapatkan.
Opsi D artinya memerlukan.
Baca Juga : SNBT 2025 Berapa Bulan Lagi? Persiapkan Dirimu dari Sekarang!
5. The Galápagos Islands are a chain of islands, or archipelago, in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
They are part of the country of Ecuador, in South America. The Galápagos lie about 966
kilometers (600 miles) off of the Ecuadorian coast.
The Galápagos are best known for their diverse array of plant and animal species. Many
species are endemic, which means they are not found anywhere else in the world. These
include the giant Galápagos tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra), the marine iguana
(Amblyrhynchus cristatus), the flightless cormorant (Phalacrocoraz harrisi), and the
Galápagos penguin. The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is the only penguin
species to live in the Northern Hemisphere.
Environmental conditions make the Galápagos a unique island ecosystem. The Galápagos
Islands are located near the equator, yet they receive cool ocean currents. This makes for a
strange mix of tropical and temperate climates. For most of their history, the islands have
been extremely isolated. This combination of factors created a laboratory for the evolution
of an unusual mix of plant and animal species.
Today, scientists study the archipelago’s aquatic ecosystems as well. For example, marine
ecologist Salome Ursula Burglass works to identify and describe the plant and animal
species living on and around the underwater, deep-sea volcanoes, or seamounts, in the
Source: National Geographic Society. (2023). Galápagos Islands. National Geographic.
The topic of the passage is …
A. A unique island ecosystem called The Galápagos Islands.
B. The Galápagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
C. Animals that can be found in The Galápagos Islands.
D. The reasons why The Galápagos Islands are famous for scientific research.
E. The climates in The Galápagos Islands.
Pembahasan : Topik adalah bahasan/subjek bacaan yang mencakup semua detail yang
disampaikan dalam teks tersebut. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah
opsi A yang artinya “Sebuah ekosistem pulau yang unik bernama
Kepulauan Galápagos.” karena teks membahas berbagai aspek Kepulauan
Galápagos sebagai sebuah ekosistem pulau yang unik dilihat dari
lokasinya, adanya spesies-spesies unik, kondisi lingkungan, dan
pentingnya untuk penelitian ilmiah.
Opsi B yang artinya “Kepulauan Galápagos terletak di Samudra Pasifik
bagian timur.” tidak tepat karena teks secara keseluruhan tidak berfokus
pada bahasan mengenai lokasi/letak Kepulauan Galápagos.
Opsi C yang artinya “Hewan-hewan yang dapat ditemukan di Kepulauan
Galápagos.” tidak tepat karena teks tidak fokus hanya membahas spesies
hewan-hewan saja.
Opsi D yang artinya “Alasan mengapa Kepulauan Galápagos terkenal
untuk penelitian ilmiah.” tidak tepat karena meskipun disebutkan
perannya untuk penelitian, teks membahas hal lainnya pula.
Opsi E yang artinya “Iklim di Kepulauan Galápagos.” tidak tepat karena
bahasan pada teks tidak hanya membahas mengenai iklim saja.
Sumber Informasi : Aplikasi Cerebrum
Program Premium SNBT Cerebrum 2025
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